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Jamie Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) – Mr Not-To-Be-Trusted But bless him, he doesn’t fare too well in the romantic stakes – when he tried to break it off with Ygritte she shot him with an arrow. What a bitch And while he has had his fair share of totty in the show, he has a certain innocence that tickles our fancy. Well, at least the one you could probably introduce to your mates and family. Of the all the rugged chaps on the show, our Jon is probably the nicest of the lot. Jon Snow – Mr Happy-Ever-After (if he isn’t killed first) But icky personality traits aside, on a more superficial level, let’s celebrate the sexist guys on the show.

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There are very few characters in Game Of Thrones who are what you might call catches, as they all seem obsessed with gaining power, cutting people’s heads off or forcing people into having sex against their will.

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